Phil Venkov

Sunday, February 24, 2008

SPP - Successful Product Promoting

How to successfully promote your product?

Let’s say that you have already chosen an affiliate program, design and content for your site. But how to promote successfully your product through your site’s content so the visitors would trust and like the product?

It’s all a matter of few marketing tricks, which I’ll share with you… I’ll take for example a weight loss product.

The product does a specific job. What?
Always ask yourself this question. If you’re searching for weight loss pills – why do you search for them? Definitely it’s not only for weight loss. Search for the psychological factor. This is what I’m talking for – “with weight loss 3000 you’ll loose weight and feel prettier, sexier and more confident.”

Always emphasize on “this is the product that really works”

Take action. No matter the good quality of your content, summon the visitor to take action! In other words to buy the product now. “Start feeling better today!”

Do not buy, Invest. Very simple and important for success. Never say the word “buy”. Use words like “invest” “investment” “deposit”.

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